How to search on

Command Example Result
keyword Mathematics All tutors with Mathematics
keyword1 keyword2 Mathematics Physics All tutors with Mathematics and/or Physics
"keyword1 keyword2" "Algebraic Geometry" All tutors with exactly the phrase "Algebraic Geometry"
+keyword1 +keyword2 +Mathematics +Physics All tutors with Mathematics and Physics
+keyword1 -keyword2 +Mathematics -Physics
-Physics +Mathematics
All tutors with Mathematics and not Physics
keyword* Geom* All tutors with Geom... (Geometry, Geomatics, geometrically, etc)
  • The search keywords are not case sensitive. So, for example, the results would be the same for both Mathematics and mathematics .
  • You can combine the commands above to do more complex searches like: +Zürich +math*
  • Our search function supports two different search modes:
    1. If the checkbox "search only within your options" is checked, the search results will be filtered according to your keyword(s) and also according to the search parameters (Country, Category, Level) that you have defined at the top of the screen.
    2. If the checkbox "search only within your options" is not checked, the results will include tutors from our entire database and will only be filtered according to the keyword(s) that you have typed into the search bar.